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Creating Space to Attune, Transform + Heal

What are You Curious About?

What daily practices

increase my energy?

Invite Connection Back to Source. 



Connecting to our

Original Blueprint











Daily practices 


 Claiming a Reality based on Love

Dear Ones-


We have a new and timeless opportunity to create our reality based on a bigger identity. This requires contemplating the story of who we are from two bigger perspectives.


We have the story of knowing ourselves as exquisite creations from Source - Creator - God - Divine Mother and Divine Father.


And we have the story of knowing ourselves as a species on the threshold of a developmental shift.


These perspectives are now grounded and confirmed by: 


1. Scientists - biologists, astronomers, physicists, psychologists, doctors, healers, living systems experts; and by


2. spiritual teachers, philosophers, educators, regenerative thinkers, farmers, business leaders, astrologers; and by


3. every day people in every day experience embodying these stories!


What helps us to embody this bigger story?


Encoded within us is an exquisite architecture of more strands of DNA than we can understand. We have a subtle energy anatomy that informs our physical body, our thoughts and our emotions. Attuning this architecture allows more

life force to flow thru us to connect to

our bigger identity where Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Harmony, + Unification flow.



However, from our juvenile developmental stage, we have thought forms and emotions creating actions and behaviors which are not reflective of who we are designed to be.


Emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger, when not integrated, keep us separate from each other. Thought forms such as patriarchy, domination and greed hurt us tremendously.


Trauma from our life, our lineage, our community sits as stuck energy that doesn't allow our life force to flow easily.


Without coherent life force, we have conflicting energies within us which create dysfunction, disorder and disease.


We are emerging to a stage where we are capable of creating with love, well-being, cooperation, kindness and connection to our beautiful planet as the standard.


Join our tribe that is focused on discovering our emerging blueprint — part of our original Source Code. Together we will create a better reality for ourselves, and learn how to heal, transform and create with ancient and new understandings. Allow your architecture to align like never before.


With love and gratitude,


What is this possibility? 


Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves. All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of all humans and the earth.


~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,

paleontologist, priest, philosopher


Tous les jours á tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux.


Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.


Mantra given to patients to recite upon waking and retiring to change their cellular response to illness. A remarkable percentage got better.

~ Émile Coué, psychologist, pharmacist



Humanity carries with it terrible pain, loneliness and deep longing to be free. The work of the healer is a work of love. The healer reaches into these painful areas of the soul and gently reawakens hope. S/he gently reawakens the ancient memory of who the soul is. S/he touches the spark of God in each cell of the body and gently reminds it that it is already God, and already being God, it inexorably flows with the Universal Will towards health and wholeness. 


~Barbara Ann Brennan, healer, psychotherapist, physicist


Love is the magnetic flow of life-birthing and life-organizing intelligence. When you wish to know true love, observe the invisible systemic energy in Mother Nature. There is nowhere where love is not. The cosmic body of creation is held together as One by the irresistible magnetism of your Mother's love. No particle of Life can ever be terminally lost as all exist within the One field of attraction. You can rest assured the design of the game of life is infallible. 


~Adi Lamborn, visionary, guide and catalyst for the new Earth. 33 Codes, Blueprint for the New Earth


I think the Mother is gradually revealing itself to me and taking over. But it is not the Mother alone. It is the Mother and the Father, the male and the female, sort of gradually having their marriage.


...The inspiration came suddenly again to surrender to the Mother. It was quite unexpected: And so somehow I made a surrender to the Mother. Then I had an experience of overwhelming love. Waves of love sort of flowed into me.


~Bede Griffiths, Benedictine monk, priest, hindu swami and yogi




For no reason

I start skipping like a child.



For no reason

I turn into a leaf

That is carried so high

I kiss the Sun's mouth

And dissolve.



For no reason

A thousand birds

Choose my head for a conference table,

Start passing their

Cups of wine

And their wild songbooks all around.



For no reason in existence

I begin to eternally,

To eternally laugh and love!


When I turn into a leaf

And start dancing,

I run to kiss our beautiful Friend

And I dissolve in the Truth

That I AM. 


~Hafiz, Persian poet (c.1320-1389) Poem translated by Daniel Ladinsky



Bells ringing

Peal of infinite vibration

 that you are

As fine as Indra's Net

Hallowed are the weavings

 that come thru you

Inviting everything in your

 Field to Wholeness


~Mary Hostetter, healer, guide 



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