Our Healing Work
There is an Intelligence of such Superiority that,
compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting
of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.
Albert Einstein, physicist
It is time to understand more of who we are as evolutionary humans. Simultaneous with this new understanding is our need to be present to our planet itself which is going thru a change. The serendipitous moment of our own maturing with the planet's shift is hard to ignore.
The first part of our human maturing is to name the healing that we all require — the heartbreak we experience on a deep level from our separation from Creator Source. This feeling of not knowing who we are as exquisite, individuated creations from Source is more prevalent than any of us realize. From the moment of our birth, we pattern off of the family, the community and the culture we are born into. If those patterns do not hold an impeccable representation of who we are as exquisite creations of Source, we receive a wound. Most likely that wound is reinforced by culture, as we grow and mature and witness the immense suffering here. How do we explain the violence, domination, patriarchy, exploitation, and greed in most every human system? These are the indicators of a juvenile developmental level.
Healing is a journey to know ourselves as Source's beloved creation. Everything we know about ourselves and the ten thousand things that we don't know about ourselves, is ordered and revealed on this journey. Our work is to know how our multi-layered bodies, souls and spirit are made and to access thru alignment, the many powers we have been given by our divine blueprint.
The ability to lessen and heal disease, restore mental and emotional health, slow the body's aging process, bring community together to help the Earth regenerate the animals, plants, waters, land, and air is our evolutionary next step. How we awaken these powers is revealed when we include multiple perspectives, ancient and new technologies, commit to daily practice and seek out community who holds this vision.
We invite you to join us for weekly practice starting in June 2023. In the meantime, please check out our blog and teachings. Individual healing sessions are available by reaching out here.